So after 2 weeks in India, (where mummy had no time to blog due to you being particularly grumpy after your MMR jabs), we flew back to the UK for a week so Daddy could renew his visa. However, ironically, you and I are now having a little issue with our visas and are currently stranded in Dubai whilst the Indian consulate sorts it out! When I say stranded, it suggests a rather more unpleasant affair than we are actually facing, as lets face it, if your going to be stuck anywhere, one of the top choices would probably be Dubai! Therefore, your having super fun, playing in the pool, eating ice cubes and running up and down the corridors "chasing" Mummy, but your favourite new pastime is watching the birdies, you even flap your arms in the cutest little exaggerated way to signal that you've spotted one of your feathered friends!!
- love Mummy x