Monday, 19 September 2011

Your 1st official 1/2 birthday!!

In 184 days you've gone from a tiny bundle of snuffles to a gorgeous, clever and sweet baby girl.

You can now sit up and play, you are definately trying to crawl and you've even started saying "dadadada!"

The world is a brighter place with you in it....

- love Mummy x

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Thankful Thursdays

Today I am grateful that your Daddy is home from his business trip tomorrow. Today I am grateful that my first week of being 30 wasn't all that bad after all. Today I am grateful that You enjoyed your swimming class almost as much as I enjoyed taking you. Today I am grateful to have the people that matter the most to me in my life.

- love Mummy x

Shadows, swimming & waving bye byes!

Today you had your first swimming lesson at Aquababies, and it turns out your a water baby just like Mummy was. You did some splashing, just like you've started to do in the bath, you swished on your tummy and Mummy held you so your head didn't go in the water, although, as the instructor put it you did "keep trying to look at the fishies" (there weren't any actual fishes otherwise Mummy would have had a heart attack - but we won't get into that) and here's the really good bit, you did a little dunk under water and didn't even cry!

"Ocean, ready.... go!". That's what we say and you hold your breath!

You've also becoming endearingly fascinated by your own shadows, this seems to have developed from your earlier obsession with reflections, and I'm not just talking about in mirrors, you will smile, your biggest, gummiest grin at the stainless steel light switches or the taps whilst in the bath, as if you've just seen your favourite toy, it's completely and utterly adorable! But to revert to my original point, you now love nothing more than sitting in the sunshine and playing with your shadow. Sticking your arm up and down in the air, trying to grab the shadow that appears and watching it miraculously wave back at you.... Which brings me nicely onto your new trick!

You can wave!!! This is no childish finger bending wave, or whole handed side to side waft, oh no, this is a royal affair, as if waving to the queen! People are even starting to comment on it's regalness (i know thats probably not even a word, but when you have a daughter with such a royal wave you can get away with it)!

Well, what do they expect from a Princess!!!

- love Mummy x

Monday, 12 September 2011

40's inspired bride, teepees & a tearful best man!

At just 5 and a half months old you have attended your very first Wedding, and what a Wedding it was.  Rain threatened as the bride entered the church, but when we all emerged after the beautiful ceremony, the sun shone for the picturesque walk down the little lane to the teepee marquees in the back garden of the brides family home.  You were a very good girl during the ceremony, after all you couldn't help the almighty "splat" that echoed through the congregation when you threw up over Daddy's shoulder, it had of course, been Mummy's bright idea to give you a bottle to keep you quiet.  But mayhem did not descend, instead you happily gurgled away to Daddy, whilst Mummy was on her hands and knees in her lovely dress, wiping up the sick!

The teepees were amazingly deceptive, everyone wondered how we would all fit into the funny shaped tents, but when you walked through the entrance they opened up into a vast Wedding wonderland, with a bar and chill out area in the first, then the dining area, ending with the dance floor in the far tent.  Long picnic style benches, with cosy sheepskin throws lined up in front of the top table, and place names were hand written on huge pebbles (which are now happily displayed on our decking).  Twinkly lights wound round the teepee struts, and ornate lanterns set the mood.

You fell asleep during the speeches but I'm sure the groom didn't take offence, the best man's speech was very touching as he got very emotional, so he would have probably been pleased at one less set of eyes on him.  During the groom's speech he said something that has stayed with me since, he said,

"Don't marry someone you can live with, marry someone you can't live without!"

So, little Ocean, when your older (much older), and considering getting married, I hope you remember these wise words spoken by the groom, at the very first wedding you attended.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Yummy Mummy Style!

Today it's all about vintage baby clothes!! This adorable tunic top has been lovingly kept by Ocean's Grandma for 30 years.... It used to be mine and I think it looks just as stylish today as it must have done back then. Aside from the enviromentally friendly feel good factor of this, it actually makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to think Ocean is wearing something I wore. (I'm sure this won't be the same feeling when she's 14 and nicking my clothes)

Grandma also kept all my terry towelling nappies, washed I might add, not sure I'm so keen on re-using those though.... I'm green but that's pushing it!!!

- love Mummy x

Mummy turns 30!!!!

Today mummy turns 30, which i know probably sounds incredibly ancient to you, but i promise that actually (or at least people keep assuring me) its not really that old!

Every year as I'm approaching another year older, i can't help but think of my earliest memory regarding age. I must have only been 9 or 10 as i was still at junior school, and i can remember as clear as if it were yesterday walking up the big Victorian staircase to my classroom, where we must have been discussing the Millennium. I can remember concentrating hard as i climbed the steps, to calculate what age i would be, eventually concluding with the grand old age of 18.

18, i thought to myself....I'll be dead old!! (how naive of my youthful spirit)

So now as i turn 30, a whole 12 years older than i was at the Millennium, and probably 20 years from that day i remember so clearly, climbing those stairs, I pledge to myself and you, to always retain some of that little girls spirit and stay young at heart.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Be true to yourself!

Today Mummy was unfairly judged by someone who doesn't know her, and it made her question herself.

"why am I not her type of person", "what did I say or do that caused her to dislike me", "how did I give this wrong impression of myself"??

I went on questioning myself for the rest of the day, until I finally realised that in actual fact, this person was wrong! I know who I am, far more than this individual who has decided on mass that she dislikes one of my group of friends (that I might add, welcomed her and tried very hard to befriend her). I know I'm a likeable person, I have a fantastic, loyal group of friends to prove it.

So as you go through life, be true to yourself, be the kind of person you'd want to be around yourself, be kind and honest, and then if one day you encounter such a person who makes you question your character, you can look inside and be sure that they too are wrong! Don't judge people, like everyone until they give you a reason not to, but also remember when someone shows you who they are, believe them!

- love Mummy x