Sunday 19 February 2012

337 days old!

11 months old and your becoming more and more fun each day. You've started walking now, which you are rather impressed about, but your new tricks don't end there. You love doing animal noises, lion, cow, mousey and the most recent snake!! We run through the whole list with huge rounds of applause and you now also know where your teeth and head are, and take great delight in pointing to them when asked to. Teeth is accompanied by a lovely attempt at the word - "teeefff", and head is more of a pat rather than a point, but tongue is most definately the cutest, with you sticking it out and waggling it about when asked where it is!
Your love of books continues, and you now have your favourite ones to flick through the pages of, pointing to various pictures and babbling away, as if reading to yourself.
Your 6th tooth has emerged, unfortunately accompanied with an awful cough and cold, and you've learnt to copy if anyone else coughs, in rather a dramatic fashion. Daddy says your becoming quite a good little actress - ha ha! Thankfully, you seem to think brushing your teeth is quite a fun little game, which we play most times you have your nappy changed at home, of course the game is only complete with mummy or daddy singing a rendition of "this is the way we brush our teeth!" You even say a sweet little "bye" and wave at the tiny little toothbrush when placing him back on the shelf.
You've learnt to say "Ta!", quite where from, I'm not sure, as mummy and Grandma don't really like the word and have been insistently following it up with "thankyou!" each time you utter it, but none the less, your a very polite little girl and we're all very proud.
- love Mummy x

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