9th april 2005
"We were up very early in order to catch our Bangalore-Delhi flight, and we were so used to nipping to Goa that this flight seemed really long, although it was actually only 3 hours. On arrival in Delhi, we noticed immediately, how un-polluted the air was in comparison to Bangalore. Sean discovered that this was down to all the buses and rickshaws running on gas rather than petrol. The difference was obvious and very unexpected, Delhi being a more populated city than Bangalore.
We were to see many strangely Indian sights on our weekend break, the first being a completely naked man walking towards oncoming traffic in the middle of a dual carriageway.Thankfully, i didn't see him from the front, and Sean couldn't get to his camera quick enough, otherwise I'm sure we would have photographic evidence of such."
10th april 2005
Our drive from Delhi to Agra was thoroughly entertaining, and the 4 hours passed relatively quickly with all the sights. Many of the roadside shops, even buildings had trees growing through the middle of them or protruding through the tiles on the roof. Some even looked as if they had been built around the trees, as if cutting them down was too much work. In Bangalorian villages it is quite normal to see little roadside shacks, where men have shaves, but on our journey they didn't even have shacks. Men were set up with a stool, a razor and a bowl of foamy water, right there at the side of the main road. Many men with foamy faces perched under trees lined our road to Agra.
We noticed that unlike Bangalore where all the rickshaws are autos, many original rickshaws (ie bikes) were still in operation in Delhi. Its normal for vehicles to be carrying many more people than you'd expect but as we got further and further out of the city, the numbers just grew and grew, and we were shocked to see some, that were designed for a driver and 3 or 4 passengers, carrying what must have been 15 or 16 people???!!! We drove passed one jeep that was so crammed full of people, that they were hanging out of the back door trying to hold it shut - at 100km an hour!!
At one very populated road junction, where all the articulated lorries seemed to be resting, many young boys scurried through the traffic. We soon realised they were trying to sell water to drink, but not in the usual bottles, this was in fact in plastic bags, about the size of a bag of crisps. Not quite sure how easy it would be to drink, and needless to say we didn't purchase one to find out, in fear of certain death.
We stopped about halfway through the journey at a little tourist restaurant, and got some drinks and a packet of sweets. Two young girls were chatting happily on their hands and knees in the corner whilst scrubbing the marble floor. A completely thankless and tedious task, but they seemed happy enough, which made me warm to them. I gave them my unfinished sweet packet to share, which thrilled them, and they sat close by sucking and chewing whole heartedly. I wondered when might have been the last time they had enjoyed a childhood treat??"
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Friday, 29 July 2011
When Mummy & Daddy lived in India (extract from journal)
21st March 2005
“Today i was on MG Rd collecting one of Sean’s birthday presents, when i was approached by a little beggar boy, waving a piece of paper in my face. Now this could have been a very elaborate begging technique, or a very sad truth. Either way it worked and i handed over Rs100.
The paper, he was so enthusiastically waving in my face, was allegedly from a school. It was headed paper with stamp and signature, so looked authentic enough. It read in bold type and proper English, that the boy was deaf and dumb, and very poor, but that he was trying to raise the below funds, in order to attend the school. It requested that you donate money, and give your signature. The school fees were Rs 5000 per year (£60).
As i said, a very elaborate con if not the truth. I hope he raises the funds.”
“Today i was on MG Rd collecting one of Sean’s birthday presents, when i was approached by a little beggar boy, waving a piece of paper in my face. Now this could have been a very elaborate begging technique, or a very sad truth. Either way it worked and i handed over Rs100.
The paper, he was so enthusiastically waving in my face, was allegedly from a school. It was headed paper with stamp and signature, so looked authentic enough. It read in bold type and proper English, that the boy was deaf and dumb, and very poor, but that he was trying to raise the below funds, in order to attend the school. It requested that you donate money, and give your signature. The school fees were Rs 5000 per year (£60).
As i said, a very elaborate con if not the truth. I hope he raises the funds.”
When Mummy & Daddy lived in India (extract from journal)
25th March 2005
“We caught the Air Deccan flight to Goa, which was of course late, and when we finally got on board we swore we would never fly with them again - just as we had done last time.
We were staying in backpackers paradise, the Bridge and Tunnel, Palolem, and on arrival were told we had been put in THE best hut. It was right at the top of the rocks, overlooking the beach and sea. The view from our 3 tiny windows was vast and like nothing i’d seen before.
When we stepped out our door there is a 2 ft wide pathway that goes down the rockface. The huts are incredibly basic, but ours is considered plush as we have an attached toilet and shower. A lone double bed stands in the corner with a mosquito net hung over it - we brought our own sheets.
Unfortunately, after staggering back down the beach after dinner, having had a few drinks we discovered that there was no mini bar, and therefore we had no water, and worse than that we were meant to have brought our own toilet roll!!!!”
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Let me tell you about your Grandma
Your grandma is the most amazing, elegant lady you could ever have the priveledge to meet, and I use the word lady, in the original sense of the word. Completely selfless, when it comes to those that she loves, she would happily give loved ones anything that she has, and expect no thanks and nothing in return. She’s compassionate and empathetic to everyones needs, and always puts others before herself. When I was growing up, obviously completely unbeknown to me, she often went without to provide the best for me (a red duffal coat that she fell in love with for example) She wished for me to experience all the things that she had not, so my childhood years were filled to the brim with exciting activities and hobbies - piano lessons, violin, swimming, ballet, horseriding, drama and countless fun days out. I really did have a wonderful, carefree childhood. Your grandma is young at heart and loves travel and experiencing new cultures. In fact, it was her love of travel that made me fall in love with the world. Your grandma is incredibly intelligent, yet never pushes her opinions upon anyone, and only gives advice once asked, and even then, it’s delivered respectfully and gentley.
She’s the strongest person I know, so when daddy and I were getting married, your grandma took her “mother of the bride” speech very seriously, and despite her nerves and usually shy demeanour, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house, and a perfect, emotional speech was delivered. Although, her humble nature wouldn’t allow her to acknowledge it, she’s beautiful, glamorous and elegant, and has a personality to match. I only hope that I can be half as good a mummy to you, as she has been to me, and that one day you will feel just as incredibly proud to be my daughter, as I do hers.
She’s the strongest person I know, so when daddy and I were getting married, your grandma took her “mother of the bride” speech very seriously, and despite her nerves and usually shy demeanour, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house, and a perfect, emotional speech was delivered. Although, her humble nature wouldn’t allow her to acknowledge it, she’s beautiful, glamorous and elegant, and has a personality to match. I only hope that I can be half as good a mummy to you, as she has been to me, and that one day you will feel just as incredibly proud to be my daughter, as I do hers.
It's a busy life for Moo!
Moo’s days are full of cuddles, but he also has to put up with having his arms and legs pulled, he’s horns gnawed, his ears chewed, drool all over his muzzle and some mad lady who calls herself “mummy”, and talks in the 3rd person, dancing him about and impersonating his voice…. And then after all that, he gets tossed on the floor until next time.
- Posted whilst out & about
When Mummy & Daddy lived in India (extract from journal)
17th March 2005
“I have noticed on ocassion, an Indian family that lives in a place that Edward (our driver) and i, drive past each day, on the main road out of Benson Town. I first noticed them a few days ago, whilst stuck in a traffic jam.
It was the woman I became aware of first, dressed in old dirty rags, loitering behind one of the electric cabling boxes on the side of the road. Then as we drove a little further, i noticed her daughter…. a tiny toddler of maybe 14 months, dressed only in a ripped and filthy t.shirt (size 6 months) and although her malnourished frame was tiny the t.shirt clung to her body.
That was all she was wearing, that single item. And as it was so small you could see her naked bum as she ran around the edge of the road, at least 50 feet from the safety of her mum. The most disturbing thing however, aside from a baby playing by the edge of a main road, was also the reason that this family were obviously really poor and not just cheeky beggars, their hair!
Their hair was a funny auburn colour, and looked like it had been completely singed from root to tip, it was chopped or hacked into, leaving a disturbing scarecrow, frizzy effect.
Days later, ive seen them again, only this time there were maybe 10 children and 4 adults, all with this very strange hair.
I cant help, but to keep thinking of them, and what brought them to their life by the side of the road, with scarecrow hair!”
“I have noticed on ocassion, an Indian family that lives in a place that Edward (our driver) and i, drive past each day, on the main road out of Benson Town. I first noticed them a few days ago, whilst stuck in a traffic jam.
It was the woman I became aware of first, dressed in old dirty rags, loitering behind one of the electric cabling boxes on the side of the road. Then as we drove a little further, i noticed her daughter…. a tiny toddler of maybe 14 months, dressed only in a ripped and filthy t.shirt (size 6 months) and although her malnourished frame was tiny the t.shirt clung to her body.
That was all she was wearing, that single item. And as it was so small you could see her naked bum as she ran around the edge of the road, at least 50 feet from the safety of her mum. The most disturbing thing however, aside from a baby playing by the edge of a main road, was also the reason that this family were obviously really poor and not just cheeky beggars, their hair!
Their hair was a funny auburn colour, and looked like it had been completely singed from root to tip, it was chopped or hacked into, leaving a disturbing scarecrow, frizzy effect.
Days later, ive seen them again, only this time there were maybe 10 children and 4 adults, all with this very strange hair.
I cant help, but to keep thinking of them, and what brought them to their life by the side of the road, with scarecrow hair!”
When Mummy & Daddy lived India (extract from journal)
9th november 2004 - (whilst on business in Mumbai)
“Today Sean was at work so i spent the day on my own at the hotel lazing by the pool and then going to the spa for a facial, which wasnt quite as relaxing an experience as i had hoped as the therapist managed to get some of the products in my eye and it stung like hell, but heyho!
Packing for our return trip home was a nightmare, as it wouldnt all fit in (due to my purchases), and by the time we got in the taxi, i was frazzled! The traffic was terrible due to Diwali, and as usual we were running late, which didnt help my mood any, so the driver decided to take us on a short cut throught the “slums”, as he put it. And oh my, they were slums, much worse than those we’d experienced in Bangalore.
Hundreds of shacks and tents, built the rat run of rubbish we were driving through. No electricity, meant the small barber shops gas lamps were the only illumination for our path. Literally thousands of people spilled into the road, and naked toddlers and children played in the darkened alleys. Despite this, there was a sense of life, a buzz through the place, hard to put your finger on. Maybe it was simply the overpopulated manner of the community, but i could almost feel the streets throbbing.”
“Today Sean was at work so i spent the day on my own at the hotel lazing by the pool and then going to the spa for a facial, which wasnt quite as relaxing an experience as i had hoped as the therapist managed to get some of the products in my eye and it stung like hell, but heyho!
Packing for our return trip home was a nightmare, as it wouldnt all fit in (due to my purchases), and by the time we got in the taxi, i was frazzled! The traffic was terrible due to Diwali, and as usual we were running late, which didnt help my mood any, so the driver decided to take us on a short cut throught the “slums”, as he put it. And oh my, they were slums, much worse than those we’d experienced in Bangalore.
Hundreds of shacks and tents, built the rat run of rubbish we were driving through. No electricity, meant the small barber shops gas lamps were the only illumination for our path. Literally thousands of people spilled into the road, and naked toddlers and children played in the darkened alleys. Despite this, there was a sense of life, a buzz through the place, hard to put your finger on. Maybe it was simply the overpopulated manner of the community, but i could almost feel the streets throbbing.”
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Bank robbers, melon & mesmerising sand!
When you were just 14 weeks old, you went on your first holiday. There were lots of firsts for you! Your first plane journey, your first time sleeping somewhere other than home, your first time on an abra, the medinat jumeirah hotel where we are staying, is all set on water like venice, and to get about you travel on little gondolas, or abras as they call them here. Your first time in the pool and your first dip in the ocean (which incidentally you loved, and fell asleep like you were in the bath).
You also started sleeping through the night consistently, some days I’m having to wake you at 8 for your morning bottle so you obviously approve of Dubai, and for the first time mummy gave you something other than your milk. You had a little suck on a big chunck of melon. You LOVED it, and kept grabbing and pulling it back into your mouth, I think you found it refreshingly cool on your gums, (im sure your starting to teeth early) and seemed delighted with the new taste.
Daddy keeps joking that he has set the bar far too high with your first holiday, and after your 5* holiday experience and flight on the A380 that you will never be happy with a week in a caravan, (which mummy won’t mind anyway, as I can’t say I find this very appealing either), but I know that actually the reason your giving away so many smiles is nothing to do with the sparkliness of our holiday, but more to do with having mummy AND daddy all to yourself, with no smelly blackberry for daddy to get distracted with.
The weather in Dubai is very hot at the moment, 40 degrees with high humidity so it’s too hot for you in the middle of the day. But we all go down to the beach in the morning before breakfast, and you and daddy have a little dip, where you are mesmerised by your feet disapearing in the sand, and then a snooze in the shade, then after breakfast whilst you have your nap in the comfort of the air conditioning, like a little bank robber, with your arms up by your ears, mummy can top up her tan in the garden at the front of the villa.
I’m sure as you grow you’ll love travelling and experiencing new cultures, just as much as we do, at least I hope you do as it’s a big part of mummy and daddy’s life. And I know we’ll have lots of adventures together, but this holiday, here in Dubai will always be extra special, as not only was it where mummy and daddy spent part of their honeymoon 2 years ago, but now it’s been our first family holiday, and that my little ocean, is mummy and daddy’s very special FIRST!
You also started sleeping through the night consistently, some days I’m having to wake you at 8 for your morning bottle so you obviously approve of Dubai, and for the first time mummy gave you something other than your milk. You had a little suck on a big chunck of melon. You LOVED it, and kept grabbing and pulling it back into your mouth, I think you found it refreshingly cool on your gums, (im sure your starting to teeth early) and seemed delighted with the new taste.
Daddy keeps joking that he has set the bar far too high with your first holiday, and after your 5* holiday experience and flight on the A380 that you will never be happy with a week in a caravan, (which mummy won’t mind anyway, as I can’t say I find this very appealing either), but I know that actually the reason your giving away so many smiles is nothing to do with the sparkliness of our holiday, but more to do with having mummy AND daddy all to yourself, with no smelly blackberry for daddy to get distracted with.
The weather in Dubai is very hot at the moment, 40 degrees with high humidity so it’s too hot for you in the middle of the day. But we all go down to the beach in the morning before breakfast, and you and daddy have a little dip, where you are mesmerised by your feet disapearing in the sand, and then a snooze in the shade, then after breakfast whilst you have your nap in the comfort of the air conditioning, like a little bank robber, with your arms up by your ears, mummy can top up her tan in the garden at the front of the villa.
I’m sure as you grow you’ll love travelling and experiencing new cultures, just as much as we do, at least I hope you do as it’s a big part of mummy and daddy’s life. And I know we’ll have lots of adventures together, but this holiday, here in Dubai will always be extra special, as not only was it where mummy and daddy spent part of their honeymoon 2 years ago, but now it’s been our first family holiday, and that my little ocean, is mummy and daddy’s very special FIRST!
your first journey...
… into the world that is.
1st January 2011 - 4D scanAt the very beginning of your journey was BARCELONA, where mummy and daddy went to celebrate their 1 year wedding anniversary. After far too much champagne, late nights dancing and long days sightseeing *sunbathing* (incidently, mummy and daddys idea of sightseeing are quite different, i was quite happy to see the sights, as it were, from the very sunny topdeck of the tour bus, whereas daddy is much more touchy feely - lets get up close to it), we came home with a very precious souvenir - YOU!
40 weeks later, minus the one day that you arrived early (you’re a good little girl), contractions started at 5 am. People always tell you that first babys take hours and hours, so off to work i sent your daddy whilst i stayed at home timing contractions on my phone. By lunchtime, i’d recalled Daddy from work and we were on our way to the hospital, having had a little mini disagreement over my outfit!! i spent months planning what i was going to wear during labour -comfortable, practical yet still look good in pics - but my waters breaking completely irradicated any glamness that was planned, and as i tried to put together a new fashionable ensamble in between contractions, Daddys solution was
“why don’t you wear a pair of my boxers?”
ERRRR… no, wasn’t quite the look i was going for.
anywho, (and yes, that isnt a typo, i did just say anywho) we were turned away from the hospital as i wasnt in active labour…. what they should really say is…
“your not in enough pain yet - come back when you cant actually walk to the delivery ward”
Now to cut a long story short i spent the afternoon in the bath at home, flailing around and completely throwing my *no screaming* pact i’d made with myself out the window, in favour of full on shrieks. Finally after quite a journey to the hospital in rush hour traffic they let us stay **sigh of relief**, and the birthing pool and all important gas and air awaited.
Midwives kept coming in saying it was a “textbook” labour…but without going into too much gory detail you got stuck and after 3 hours of pushing, you were delivered by emergency section at 1:16 am, Saturday 19th March.
That minute, 16 past one, changed my universe forever!
what's in a name?
i expect that at some point in your life you’ll wonder where the name Ocean-Sienna came from, probably the Ocean bit in particular? in the first few months of your life, many people asked “why ocean?”, so i thought id explain. Firstly, Ive always loved the name Ocean, its simply beautiful, dont you think? Therefore why not. Your Auntie Natalie on hearing the name for the first time said “unusual names make extraordinary people” and i hope that you will lead a magical and extraordianry life. But mostly its because i believe the ocean is the most beautiful thing in the world, its serene yet powerful, calming yet strong and i dont know one person in the world that doesnt like to sit beside it.
And that my beautiful little girl is why we gave you the name Ocean.
And that my beautiful little girl is why we gave you the name Ocean.
Your first home
This was your first home, and i hope you were happy in there. Apart from the first 16 weeks of morning sickness (which by the way, whomever termed it “morning” sickness lied, for me it lasted all day) There was a particularly low point where i had to pull over in manchester city centre, and throw up my breakfast! “Well”, i can hear you say, “as a pregnant woman im sure you’d had a feast of pancakes and chocolate for breakfast and completely overfaced yourself, im sure it was fully self inflicted”, and id like to respond in setting the record straight and say…
it was an APPLE!! Yes, my measley pregnant breakfast was an apple, in fact, i have a feeling it was in fact, half an apple, anywho, out it came on the side of a road in manchester, in rush hour none the less!! And i must say it completely took away from the glamness of my gorgeous red sportscar!!
To return to my original point, i LOVED being pregnant with you. It felt like we shared a secret, we were so close. your Daddy put it better than i ever could, when on the day you were born he said
“i feel like i’ve known her forever”
And i did!!
Just two little pink lines.
It’s amazing how much 2 tiny pink lines on a plastic contraption that you’ve pee’d on can change your life.
We’d been trying to get pregnant for about three months when those twin lines decided to make an appearance, and we were in a mad rush to get out the door to go to a family christening (how apt). “I’ll just do another quick test” I thought to myself, for about the hundreth time that week (okay, maybe hundreth is a slight exaggeration but it was alot of tests, and im known to exaggerate so i need to go high so that when you knock it down, you’ll still appreciate id taken lots and lots) in between slapping the lipgloss on and stepping into my sparkly Gina shoes. I’d taken that many tests that had shown negative that week, I almost forgot I’d done it, so when I walked in and saw those perfect lines staring up at me, I had to hold it up for closer inspection. Could it be, was there really, did I want there to be so badly that I was imagining it? “mister!!!” (my name for your daddy amongst many others) “come here for a sec!!” Your grandma was downstairs and I didn’t want to break the news in a rush as we ran out the door, so I did a silent jig on the landing, whilst thrusting the pee’d upon stick in your daddy’s face. Which now that I recall the event is actually a little gross!! But completely ungrossed out, I’d never seen mister look so happy. We spent the whole day with our own little secret, and kept beaming a knowing smile at one another. Whilst sat in church for marley’s christening, I have to admit I said an extra big thankyou to whomever had blessed us. Unknowingly, at the reception later that day, whilst we were all having cuddles with Marley, grandma passed him to me adding… “let’s see how these 2 look with a baby?” We’d soon find out?!?
*i love this photo of that day - noone in the world knew about you but us*
We’d been trying to get pregnant for about three months when those twin lines decided to make an appearance, and we were in a mad rush to get out the door to go to a family christening (how apt). “I’ll just do another quick test” I thought to myself, for about the hundreth time that week (okay, maybe hundreth is a slight exaggeration but it was alot of tests, and im known to exaggerate so i need to go high so that when you knock it down, you’ll still appreciate id taken lots and lots) in between slapping the lipgloss on and stepping into my sparkly Gina shoes. I’d taken that many tests that had shown negative that week, I almost forgot I’d done it, so when I walked in and saw those perfect lines staring up at me, I had to hold it up for closer inspection. Could it be, was there really, did I want there to be so badly that I was imagining it? “mister!!!” (my name for your daddy amongst many others) “come here for a sec!!” Your grandma was downstairs and I didn’t want to break the news in a rush as we ran out the door, so I did a silent jig on the landing, whilst thrusting the pee’d upon stick in your daddy’s face. Which now that I recall the event is actually a little gross!! But completely ungrossed out, I’d never seen mister look so happy. We spent the whole day with our own little secret, and kept beaming a knowing smile at one another. Whilst sat in church for marley’s christening, I have to admit I said an extra big thankyou to whomever had blessed us. Unknowingly, at the reception later that day, whilst we were all having cuddles with Marley, grandma passed him to me adding… “let’s see how these 2 look with a baby?” We’d soon find out?!?
*i love this photo of that day - noone in the world knew about you but us*
our new address!
We're relocating here, as i feel i can keep a fuller record of our Oceanic adventures. However, i'll still be following all the tumblr antics, and hope that our tumblr followers will continue on our journey with us.
There are a few posts that some of my tumblr followers may recognise, i have re-blogged, as i felt it important that they started our story here, as they did on tumblr.
There are a few posts that some of my tumblr followers may recognise, i have re-blogged, as i felt it important that they started our story here, as they did on tumblr.
to view previous tumblr posts please follow link
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