Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Bank robbers, melon & mesmerising sand!

When you were just 14 weeks old, you went on your first holiday. There were lots of firsts for you! Your first plane journey, your first time sleeping somewhere other than home, your first time on an abra, the medinat jumeirah hotel where we are staying, is all set on water like venice, and to get about you travel on little gondolas, or abras as they call them here. Your first time in the pool and your first dip in the ocean (which incidentally you loved, and fell asleep like you were in the bath).

You also started sleeping through the night consistently, some days I’m having to wake you at 8 for your morning bottle so you obviously approve of Dubai, and for the first time mummy gave you something other than your milk. You had a little suck on a big chunck of melon. You LOVED it, and kept grabbing and pulling it back into your mouth, I think you found it refreshingly cool on your gums, (im sure your starting to teeth early) and seemed delighted with the new taste.

Daddy keeps joking that he has set the bar far too high with your first holiday, and after your 5* holiday experience and flight on the A380 that you will never be happy with a week in a caravan, (which mummy won’t mind anyway, as I can’t say I find this very appealing either), but I know that actually the reason your giving away so many smiles is nothing to do with the sparkliness of our holiday, but more to do with having mummy AND daddy all to yourself, with no smelly blackberry for daddy to get distracted with.

The weather in Dubai is very hot at the moment, 40 degrees with high humidity so it’s too hot for you in the middle of the day. But we all go down to the beach in the morning before breakfast, and you and daddy have a little dip, where you are mesmerised by your feet disapearing in the sand, and then a snooze in the shade, then after breakfast whilst you have your nap in the comfort of the air conditioning, like a little bank robber, with your arms up by your ears, mummy can top up her tan in the garden at the front of the villa.

I’m sure as you grow you’ll love travelling and experiencing new cultures, just as much as we do, at least I hope you do as it’s a big part of mummy and daddy’s life. And I know we’ll have lots of adventures together, but this holiday, here in Dubai will always be extra special, as not only was it where mummy and daddy spent part of their honeymoon 2 years ago, but now it’s been our first family holiday, and that my little ocean, is mummy and daddy’s very special FIRST!

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