Tuesday 13 December 2011

Today you met Santa for the very first time!!!

Or should I say that Santa had the pleasure of meeting you! You didn't cry, which surprised me (and nor did Santa thankfully) as Grandma says I cried at Santa every year until I was about 18, okay, probably not quite 18, but I really was quite scared of him. However, I wasn't at all scared today, in fact I was thrilled and shouted "it's SANTA!" as he walked in unexpectedly to the playgroup, then embarresed as all the other mums stared at me, mumbled something under my breath about you not having met him before!!!

He gave you a little gift of some blowing bubbles, and you took it from him sheepishly, I wouldn't exactly say you were too thrilled about him, or his obviously polyester beard, but you definately DID NOT cry!!! The progress of evolution!!!

- love Mummy x

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