Monday 19 December 2011

275 days old!

Or some would say 9 months!!

Those 275 days have shot by in the blink of a somewhat tired eye, and yet as your Daddy always says "I feel that I've known you forever!"

Your now not only crawling, but pulling yourself up on anything half stable, and your favourite pass time is to climb up me, and then once upright, to turn around drop onto the floor and start all over again. It's rather restrictive for me, and yet overwhelmingly endearing.

Your communicating in all sorts of ways now. You'll wave goodbye, or hello, you screw your eyes tight shut for a second and do a little snort, which is my personal favourite. You love a round of applause, and will start clapping if you hear others doing so, and put yours hands over your head for "oh so big", and you stick your tongue out and make a cute gurgling sound, which everyone does to you to try and get you to respond!!!

You love books, and music, I mean you really love music, especially as its a good excuse to dance! Oh, and you love lights! Your not picky, any type of light will do, from sparkly twinkly christmas lights to the oh so boring strip lighting in B&Q!
And your so so inquisitive!! Everything is up for grabs, and if it's not up for grabs it'll be pointed at!!!

- love Mummy x

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