Tuesday 10 January 2012

Your FIRST Christmas!

What a magical and busy few weeks your first Christmas has entailed.  You were so thoroughly spoilt by Mummy and Daddy, Grandma, all your Aunties and Uncles, and friends that we were still opening presents on Boxing Day.  So many new toys to play with and gorgeous clothes to wear, and lots of quality time with Daddy who had nearly 3 weeks off work.

We spent Christmas morning at Grandad's house with lots of Aunties and Uncles to fuss over you, then the rest of the day at home with Mummy, Daddy and Grandma, you even sat at the table for Christmas dinner and looked super enthralled with your piece of carrot!

You went to your first ever football match on New years Eve, to watch your little friend's Daddy play, then we all went out for a scrummy dinner where you left a rather messy pile of sucked cucumber and half eaten grapes under your highchair (this seems to be quite a habit currently).  And although you didn't quite make it to midnight to see the New Year in, you stayed up way past your bedtime, and finally said goodnight at 9pm..... (you didn't actually SAY "goodnight", that would have been quite something at 9 months old!)

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