Monday 19 March 2012

366 days old!


I can't believe that my baby is one year old! It seems like only a heartbeat ago that I said "hi princess" for the very first time as you were placed in my arms. So much has happened in those 366 days, and you and I have grown and changed so much. You've taught me so much about the world and myself, and I've found peace and appreciation in the smallest things, that previously would have sped by without me noticing.

I'm not going to lie and say its been an easy road, the last month has definately been the hardest of my life, but it has been worth it, you are worth it. You've suffered with a terrible stomach virus for weeks, and at some point we've all caught it too. It's not been our best month, and most of it we've spent covered in vomit or poo, but thankfully that's all over now and we can start your 2nd year healthy and happy.

The last 366 days have been a wonderful journey, (in spite of the most recent poo covered and earlier sleep deprived bits) and I'm so excited to continue discovering the world through your eyes!

- love Mummy x

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