- love Mummy x
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Lunch like a big girl
I can't believe that you are now big enough to sit up in your highchair and eat properly, (although your table manners probably still need some work, as I'm not sure shoving your fist in your full mouth is quite proper etiquette) You seem to be really loving our little weaning adventure, and no longer push every mouthful back out with your tongue. Each feed, however always starts with a face like you've just sucked on a lemon, during the first mouthful, which I have to admit has become quite endearing, if a little bizarre, as the following mouthfuls you seem to enjoy with gusto and can't quite eat it fast enough for your liking!!
So far we love sweet potato, butternut squash, pear, apple, blackcurrant and banana, but you seem to have an aversion to carrot!!
- love Mummy x
Friday, 19 August 2011
153 days old!
Today you turn 5 months old!! It's been exhausting and thrilling, emotional and rewarding, at times frustrating but consistently magical. By far the most amazing 153 days of my life, thankyou for brightening my world.
Our daily routine
Your in a really good routine now, which makes life so much easier....
7am - breakfast bottle
8am - breakfast (usually consists of baby cereal mixed with fruit puree)
9am - nap time (45-60 mins)
11am - bottle
12pm - nap time ( you have 1-2 hours, depending on what we're doing)
2:30pm - bottle
3pm - lunch (vegetable puree)
4:30 - nap time (usually just 30mins)
6pm - bathtime
6:15 - bottle
7pm - bedtime
Then Mummy crosses her fingers for a full nights sleep.
- love Mummy x
7am - breakfast bottle
8am - breakfast (usually consists of baby cereal mixed with fruit puree)
9am - nap time (45-60 mins)
11am - bottle
12pm - nap time ( you have 1-2 hours, depending on what we're doing)
2:30pm - bottle
3pm - lunch (vegetable puree)
4:30 - nap time (usually just 30mins)
6pm - bathtime
6:15 - bottle
7pm - bedtime
Then Mummy crosses her fingers for a full nights sleep.
- love Mummy x
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Thankful Thursdays.
This weekend we visited the Apple Orchard (my nickname for a store that sells the latest computers, which will no doubt seem pre-historic, in years to come when you read this - but are currently the hip and happening things to have), and bought a new computer. It has a fantastic video editing suite which I've started to use, to start putting together some of our many home movie clips. And I can't believe, how much you've grown and changed already.....
So this week I am grateful for the many moments and memories that we are lucky enough to have frozen in time, and that will I know, always lift my spirit and warm my heart.
- love Mummy x
So this week I am grateful for the many moments and memories that we are lucky enough to have frozen in time, and that will I know, always lift my spirit and warm my heart.
- love Mummy x
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Just a simple bag of lettuce!
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Your favourite bedtime story.
Snuggle Bunny's tired. He's had a busy day. It's time to finish playing and put our toys away. Snoozy Snuggle stretches and rubs his sleepy eyes. Do your eyes feel sleepy too, before your beddy-byes? Now let's wash and clean our teeth as Bunny's bedtime nears. Can you lend a helping hand to brush his fluffy ears? Snuggle loves a bedtime hug and gentle tickles too. If you ask him nicely, he may hug and tickle you. Snuggle Bunny's cosy. He's tucked up nice and tight. It's time for you to snuggle too - sweet dreams and kiss goodnight!!
- present from Grandma, read by Daddy.
Friday, 12 August 2011
Yummy Mummy Style.
Yey for Trumpette socks!
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Flash's story
Some years ago, when Flash was only 100 or so years old, he went on holiday to the Maldives. He had a wail of a time, and relished in the fact that he could fly round the whole island in just one afternoon. He even considered packing a light lunch of worms, and flying off on a day trip to the neighbouring island, but Mummy thought it may be a little tiring, all that flying in one day, and he was too young to stay overnight on his own. Mummy suggested that instead he should try and make some friends that he could play with. So he made friends with this big stingray named Spark, although playing together proved a little difficult!!
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Flash's story
Flash had a very important job at Mummy and Daddy's wedding, so important in fact that it required the wearing of a dickie bow. His duties included standing guard (technically he was sitting guard) of all the thankyou gifts during the course of the morning, and supervising the setting up of the room from his inconspicuous military position under the top table. He took this responsibilty very seriously and by early evening his was pooped and had to make his excuses and retire early to his bed. (no cave for this dragon, he slept in the Castle!)
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Flash's Story
Quite a few years ago, when Flash was only a baby dragon of 100 years old, he went to Dublin on holiday. He partied in Temple Bar, drank lots of Guinness, and flew round all the old cobbled streets and completely exhausted his young wings. Whilst Mummy and Daddy were stood in the lobby, waiting to check out of the hotel, Flash rested his tired wings and had a little lay down in Daddy's rucksack, leaving his little head popping out of the top so not to miss anything. A group of men stood nearby spotted Flash, sticking his weary head out of the top of Daddy's rucksack, and pointed to him and laughed (Flash wondered whether he had not wiped his mouth properly after his worm lunch, and felt embarrassed that he might have mud around his chops). However, Daddy was not at all embarrassed about the bright green dragon head looking over his shoulder, and turned straight to the group of men and asked all nonchalantly...
"are you laughing at my Dragon, guys??"
Now, it was the group of men that were embarrassed. "errrr, no, no" the group exclaimed, as they bowed their heads in shame, and Flash wriggled his little body higher in the rucksack, puffed his chest out and poked his head out of the opening, just that little bit farther!!!
"are you laughing at my Dragon, guys??"
Now, it was the group of men that were embarrassed. "errrr, no, no" the group exclaimed, as they bowed their heads in shame, and Flash wriggled his little body higher in the rucksack, puffed his chest out and poked his head out of the opening, just that little bit farther!!!
The story of Flash
The life of our little green dragon began in 2004, when mummy had him made at a "build a bear" factory as a gift for Daddy. At first Daddy seemed a little less than impressed, but over time, Flash, as he was affectionately named, grew a life all of his own. I told Daddy, all these years ago, that one day when we had a little baby (ie you), Flash could tell you stories of his adventures, travelling the world with Mummy and Daddy. So from that point on, Flash went EVERYWHERE with us, and friends even started sending him postcards home from their travels.
So, here is Flash's story..........................
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Lincoln, Austin & Princess Elle!
You've had a fabulously busy weekend with your little friends, and Mummy has had an equally fantastic time. You and I, did our longest car journey yet, Friday lunch time, and despite a precarious nappy change on the passenger seat, at the side of the road due to a inconveniently timed stinky poo, precisely 4 minutes into our 2 hour journey, you were a little angel and slept the entire journey, whilst Mummy sang along to the Adele, 21 album (thankfully my warbling does not disturb you).
We had a leisurely (this may be a slightly over indulgent description, but it was as relaxing as a lunch can get, with a 4 month, 10 month, 16 month and 3 year old) late lunch in the sun with Lincoln, Austin, Princess Elle and their Mummies. There were lots of giggles, Elle's "pop"s when describing the noise her buggy harness makes when fastening, Lincoln taking charge and telling Elle off for running about, a cute moment when Lincoln and Elle shared a pack of Jaffa cakes (until Elle dropped hers on the floor in the "dirts"), and a tearful few minutes when Lincoln got stung right on the tip of his thumb by a wasp he had been trying to make friends with, but mostly you just sat fascinated by your 3 little friends and how much they could do, that you desperately wanted to join them in - climbing, running, playing and generally causing playful mayhem!
- Posted whilst out & about
We had a leisurely (this may be a slightly over indulgent description, but it was as relaxing as a lunch can get, with a 4 month, 10 month, 16 month and 3 year old) late lunch in the sun with Lincoln, Austin, Princess Elle and their Mummies. There were lots of giggles, Elle's "pop"s when describing the noise her buggy harness makes when fastening, Lincoln taking charge and telling Elle off for running about, a cute moment when Lincoln and Elle shared a pack of Jaffa cakes (until Elle dropped hers on the floor in the "dirts"), and a tearful few minutes when Lincoln got stung right on the tip of his thumb by a wasp he had been trying to make friends with, but mostly you just sat fascinated by your 3 little friends and how much they could do, that you desperately wanted to join them in - climbing, running, playing and generally causing playful mayhem!
- Posted whilst out & about
Saturday, 6 August 2011
140 days old....
And I can't remember my life without you, and nor do I want to. Your now such an integral part of my being, that which defines me, that I fail to recall how I used to fill my days? No doubt with random senselessness and fickle pasttimes, that in the grand scheme of things mean nothing at all, but at the time were all consuming. Isn't it wonderfully peculiar that one tiny little person can change a whole world for a person, or people, in the blink of an eye. For life to never be the same again, to have a purpose greater than oneself? To be so absolutely exhausted both physically and emotionally, and yet you can't help but smile back at the tiny toothless grin. It's magical to look at you and see so many elements of myself, and so many of your daddy, like all the negatives have been sifted out, and you are a beautiful mix of only our best attributes, and yet, your so completely unique and individual, your so very you.
- Posted whilst out & about
Friday, 5 August 2011
Yummy mummy style!
This week it's all about baby tutus. Ocean is loving hers, which is good as she has one in baby pink, cerise pink and letter box red! There are loads of variations about, but I love the Next ones as they have a pretty satin bow at the waist. There also a good investment (ha ha), as I've bought them in 9-12 months, when Ocean only wears 3-6 months and due to the elastcated waist they fit lovely now, but will still fit in several months time! On slightly older girls, I love to see tutus funked up a little with a pair of converse, but on babies, they look adorable with a simple vest.
I had Ocean's hung above her changing table, and she was fascinated by the unusual texture of them, and they kept her entertained for quite a few nappy changes, similarily, when I dress her in one, she loves touching it and watching her hands disappear in the ruffles!!
- Posted whilst out & about
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Sunshine, ducks & icepops!
Daddy loves being outdoors and going for walks, mummy didn't used to be so keen (unless there were shops on either side), but since having you, I've started to appreciate, maybe even enjoy, going for a walk. Now, let's not get carried away, I'm not saying you'll find me wandering around aimlessly in the rain, (although there was a recent incident, where I sheltered under an oak tree when caught in an unexpected torrential downpour, on my return from the village) but proudly pushing you in the pram, does somehow make going for walks more enjoyable.
So, seen as the sun was shining, we took advantage, and went to our local national trust park this afternoon. You weren't quite as excited about seeing the ducks as mummy and daddy, and we did feel slightly guilty about our ice pops which of course your too little to enjoy yet, (you had lovely milk instead) but all in all, I think you enjoyed your first visit to the park, and all that fresh, warm air made you really cozy and sleepy and you slept the whole way home.
- Posted whilst out & about
Thankful Thursdays
Today I am grateful to have the support of my family. Today i am grateful to have experienced life in a way not many people are priveledged enough to do. To have travelled the world and experienced many different cultures, and to hopefully have become a more rounded person from that. Today i am grateful to have the ability to follow my dreams, and to try and further myself. Today i am grateful to feel connected, and to feel open spiritually. Today i am grateful to have been given the gift of a little person who everyday teaches me about love and happiness. Today i am grateful to be Ocean's mummy!
Caffine kicks & dummy defiance!
Let me begin by saying that yesterday, I consumed way more than the recommended dose of caffine, why? I'm not sure, as the previous night had been a good one. My regular 2 mugs of instant over breakfast, followed by my can of red bull, then Daddy's can of red bull, and rounded up by an iced caramel latte at Costa mid-afternoon. Probably a matter of circumstance rather than concious choice. I should also add, that yesterday was a very hot day, so putting you down to sleep in only a vest, with your large aden & anais muslin over you that cousin Kerry bought, seemed a good idea, but in hindsight, I should have bundled you into a grobag after your 10:30 feed.
So after laying in bed from 11, I was still searching for dreamland at 1am, and when you began waking only a short while later as the temperature dropped, I was berating myself for those additional caffine fixes. No matter how many times, or different ways I tucked the blanket, your high kicking legs, removed it in one fell swoop. And when, with an unblinking thousand yard glare you took the dummy from your mouth, held it straight up in the air and dropped it from arms length, leaving your hand spread for slightly longer than neccessary, I would have sworn it was a calculated manouvre of pure defiance!!! If I hadn't have been so utterly shattered and frustrated I would have burst out laughing!
So as I crept from your room praying you would now sleep till morning, and I would be blessed with the same luxury, I cursed the creaky floorboards of our 110 year old house!
- written at 5 am
So after laying in bed from 11, I was still searching for dreamland at 1am, and when you began waking only a short while later as the temperature dropped, I was berating myself for those additional caffine fixes. No matter how many times, or different ways I tucked the blanket, your high kicking legs, removed it in one fell swoop. And when, with an unblinking thousand yard glare you took the dummy from your mouth, held it straight up in the air and dropped it from arms length, leaving your hand spread for slightly longer than neccessary, I would have sworn it was a calculated manouvre of pure defiance!!! If I hadn't have been so utterly shattered and frustrated I would have burst out laughing!
So as I crept from your room praying you would now sleep till morning, and I would be blessed with the same luxury, I cursed the creaky floorboards of our 110 year old house!
- written at 5 am
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Ninetyfive and a half!
Today you went with Daddy to visit an old neighbour of ours, Albert. He's 95 years old, in fact he Informed Daddy he's actually 95 and a 1/2!
He's a fantastic gardener and his garden is full of prize winning vegetables, which as you can imagine he's very proud to show off to anyone who's interested. And interested your Daddy is, due to his vegetable patch plans of his own (although mummy is not quite as keen on this idea!)
Potatoes, tomatoes, beetroot, carrots, to name but a few, in their dozens and far more than Albert could ever eat by himself. Peter Rabbit would have a very full tummy if he ever visited Alberts garden. When we used to live 2 doors down, I'd often come home to find a bag of beautiful ripe tomatoes hanging on the back door! You can't get any more organic than that.
Obviously, Daddy must have been very enthusiastic about the vegetables, as he came home brandishing this beetroot, and a whole list of instructions on how to pickle it to perfection. It's a good job I'm quite partial to beetroot, as this one may last quite a while.
95 and a 1/2 is a ripe old age. I wonder whether it's the "looking forward in the seasons" habit of a gardener, that keeps Albert so sprightly. Isn't it funny that in your early years of life the 1/2 is so important, and it would seem it is equally as important in later years. I wonder where in the middle the lines blur?
95 and a 1/2, I find it so sweet that your not even the 1/2 yet.
- Posted whilst out & about
Oceanic Adventures!
Rooting in mummy's bag was far more interesting than the lunchtime conversation!
Monday, 1 August 2011
Oceanic Adventures!
You've had a very busy week, with 2 baby groups, lunch with Auntie Helen and Grandma, Aunties Marie, Natalie and Rachel visiting on Saturday, and then topped off with your little friend's Christening yesterday.
It was a beautiful day, and your first time in a church. You did make a little bit of a fuss when the organ started blarring out for the Hymms, and Mummy and Daddy realised although we thought we had been clever by sitting at the back of the church, so we could make a sharp exit if need be, we had inadvertently sat right beneath the organ!! But, other than that you were a very good girl and had a nap in your pram during the reception, right on cue for when the buffet came out, and sat on mummy or daddy's knee happily chewing your fists for the rest of the day.
I hope as you go through life, you continue to make as good a friends, as little Isabelle.
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