Daddy loves being outdoors and going for walks, mummy didn't used to be so keen (unless there were shops on either side), but since having you, I've started to appreciate, maybe even enjoy, going for a walk. Now, let's not get carried away, I'm not saying you'll find me wandering around aimlessly in the rain, (although there was a recent incident, where I sheltered under an oak tree when caught in an unexpected torrential downpour, on my return from the village) but proudly pushing you in the pram, does somehow make going for walks more enjoyable.
So, seen as the sun was shining, we took advantage, and went to our local national trust park this afternoon. You weren't quite as excited about seeing the ducks as mummy and daddy, and we did feel slightly guilty about our ice pops which of course your too little to enjoy yet, (you had lovely milk instead) but all in all, I think you enjoyed your first visit to the park, and all that fresh, warm air made you really cozy and sleepy and you slept the whole way home.
- Posted whilst out & about
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