And I can't remember my life without you, and nor do I want to. Your now such an integral part of my being, that which defines me, that I fail to recall how I used to fill my days? No doubt with random senselessness and fickle pasttimes, that in the grand scheme of things mean nothing at all, but at the time were all consuming. Isn't it wonderfully peculiar that one tiny little person can change a whole world for a person, or people, in the blink of an eye. For life to never be the same again, to have a purpose greater than oneself? To be so absolutely exhausted both physically and emotionally, and yet you can't help but smile back at the tiny toothless grin. It's magical to look at you and see so many elements of myself, and so many of your daddy, like all the negatives have been sifted out, and you are a beautiful mix of only our best attributes, and yet, your so completely unique and individual, your so very you.
- Posted whilst out & about
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