Or some would say 9 months!!
Those 275 days have shot by in the blink of a somewhat tired eye, and yet as your Daddy always says "I feel that I've known you forever!"
Your now not only crawling, but pulling yourself up on anything half stable, and your favourite pass time is to climb up me, and then once upright, to turn around drop onto the floor and start all over again. It's rather restrictive for me, and yet overwhelmingly endearing.
Your communicating in all sorts of ways now. You'll wave goodbye, or hello, you screw your eyes tight shut for a second and do a little snort, which is my personal favourite. You love a round of applause, and will start clapping if you hear others doing so, and put yours hands over your head for "oh so big", and you stick your tongue out and make a cute gurgling sound, which everyone does to you to try and get you to respond!!!
You love books, and music, I mean you really love music, especially as its a good excuse to dance! Oh, and you love lights! Your not picky, any type of light will do, from sparkly twinkly christmas lights to the oh so boring strip lighting in B&Q!
And your so so inquisitive!! Everything is up for grabs, and if it's not up for grabs it'll be pointed at!!!
- love Mummy x
Monday, 19 December 2011
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Your Christening - 4th December 2011
The 4th of December 2011 was your Christening day, and what a love filled, happy day it was.
Grandma had waited 30 years for this event, and had lovingly kept my Christening gown for you to wear, and how perfect you looked in it. You took the whole day in your stride, and didn't even cry when you had the water poured on your head. In fact i think you quite fancied getting in for a swim!!
You even managed to show the congregation your emerging personality by blowing a rather vocal raspberry at the vicar, right at a pivotal moment, thankfully he saw the humorous side.
Your cake was delicious, and not a piece was left by the end of the celebrations. It was in fact the bottom tier of Mummy and Daddy's wedding cake, re-soaked in sherry and re-iced, after spending the last 2 1/2 years safely taking up half the freezer!! I have to say it was worth it though - YUM YUM!
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Today you met Santa for the very first time!!!
Or should I say that Santa had the pleasure of meeting you! You didn't cry, which surprised me (and nor did Santa thankfully) as Grandma says I cried at Santa every year until I was about 18, okay, probably not quite 18, but I really was quite scared of him. However, I wasn't at all scared today, in fact I was thrilled and shouted "it's SANTA!" as he walked in unexpectedly to the playgroup, then embarresed as all the other mums stared at me, mumbled something under my breath about you not having met him before!!!
He gave you a little gift of some blowing bubbles, and you took it from him sheepishly, I wouldn't exactly say you were too thrilled about him, or his obviously polyester beard, but you definately DID NOT cry!!! The progress of evolution!!!
- love Mummy x
You've been keeping me so busy!
I've been missing in action from my letter writing recently, mainly due to how busy life now is (who knew an 8 month old could live such a demanding social calendar!).
Today, however I feel that we reached a milestone which I just have to record. Not crawling, although you are now doing that (that story is yet to come) and not even the fabulous day of your christening, no, the momentous moment, is that I came to your nursery after your nap and you were sitting up in your cot waiting for me!! It stopped me in my tracks, and made me realise you are fast on your way to becoming a toddler!!!! Although, in my eyes you'll always be my baby girl!!!
- love Mummy x
Today, however I feel that we reached a milestone which I just have to record. Not crawling, although you are now doing that (that story is yet to come) and not even the fabulous day of your christening, no, the momentous moment, is that I came to your nursery after your nap and you were sitting up in your cot waiting for me!! It stopped me in my tracks, and made me realise you are fast on your way to becoming a toddler!!!! Although, in my eyes you'll always be my baby girl!!!
- love Mummy x
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
You have your first tooth!
Monday, 24 October 2011
Sunday, 2 October 2011
"reading" your first magazine.
You were quite intrigued by the pretty, glossy booklet of papers that mummy was staring at over her morning coffee, in fact you were far more interested in Mummy's magazine than you were, your room full of toys, so after I'd finished (actually I hadn't quite finished with the magazine, but I hadn't bet on it coming back to me in quite an unreadable state) you decided to have a little flick through!!
It had all been going reasonably well, until you discovered the magical crumpling and tearing noises that you could make with the pretty, colourful pages... future reading of which became somewhat unrealistic.
NOTE TO SELF: read Vogue in hiding!
Saturday, 1 October 2011
what a sunny Saturday!
What a beautiful day it's been, we've spent the whole day out in the garden concluding with a little barbeque (you just had milk, which wasn't done on the barbeque, but you soaked in the atmosphere whilst drinking it!)
Swings, swimming and a doggy!
You've had a very busy week, with lots of firsts. The most fun of which being your first time at the park, although judging by these photos, you were rather underwhelmed by the whole event, and Mummy and Daddy had rather more fun than you did...I'm sure inside you were filled with laughter however, and you were merely trying to act all nonchalant, in a "oh yeah, I've been to the park loads of times" kinda way!
We also went round to Grandma's house, (which isn't technically a first) but this was the first time you've been at all interested in Grandma's doggy. I might add, that here you did not act at all nonchalant, and in fact there were squeals of delight as the Doggy panted, wagged his tail and generally did lots of doggy things with gusto. Now if the Doggy could be slightly less enthusiastic about your arrival, we could go and visit him much more frequently.
And finally, your latest achievement at your Aquababies class, which mummy was incredibly proud of.... we sound like chickens and "kick, kick, kick!" across the width of the mini pool (i am of course holding you, I'm not completely bonkers), and upon reaching the side, with a little prompting from Mummy you "hold on!". Your face was an absolute picture of achievement when your 2 chubby little hands reached up out of the water and grabbed onto the side of the pool.
"I can do it Mummy, I can hold on - Look at me!" (is what you would have been saying, if you could indeed talk)
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Monday, 19 September 2011
Friday, 16 September 2011
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Thankful Thursdays
Today I am grateful that your Daddy is home from his business trip tomorrow. Today I am grateful that my first week of being 30 wasn't all that bad after all. Today I am grateful that You enjoyed your swimming class almost as much as I enjoyed taking you. Today I am grateful to have the people that matter the most to me in my life.
- love Mummy x
- love Mummy x
Shadows, swimming & waving bye byes!
Today you had your first swimming lesson at Aquababies, and it turns out your a water baby just like Mummy was. You did some splashing, just like you've started to do in the bath, you swished on your tummy and Mummy held you so your head didn't go in the water, although, as the instructor put it you did "keep trying to look at the fishies" (there weren't any actual fishes otherwise Mummy would have had a heart attack - but we won't get into that) and here's the really good bit, you did a little dunk under water and didn't even cry!
"Ocean, ready.... go!". That's what we say and you hold your breath!
You've also becoming endearingly fascinated by your own shadows, this seems to have developed from your earlier obsession with reflections, and I'm not just talking about in mirrors, you will smile, your biggest, gummiest grin at the stainless steel light switches or the taps whilst in the bath, as if you've just seen your favourite toy, it's completely and utterly adorable! But to revert to my original point, you now love nothing more than sitting in the sunshine and playing with your shadow. Sticking your arm up and down in the air, trying to grab the shadow that appears and watching it miraculously wave back at you.... Which brings me nicely onto your new trick!
You can wave!!! This is no childish finger bending wave, or whole handed side to side waft, oh no, this is a royal affair, as if waving to the queen! People are even starting to comment on it's regalness (i know thats probably not even a word, but when you have a daughter with such a royal wave you can get away with it)!
Well, what do they expect from a Princess!!!
- love Mummy x
Monday, 12 September 2011
40's inspired bride, teepees & a tearful best man!
At just 5 and a half months old you have attended your very first Wedding, and what a Wedding it was. Rain threatened as the bride entered the church, but when we all emerged after the beautiful ceremony, the sun shone for the picturesque walk down the little lane to the teepee marquees in the back garden of the brides family home. You were a very good girl during the ceremony, after all you couldn't help the almighty "splat" that echoed through the congregation when you threw up over Daddy's shoulder, it had of course, been Mummy's bright idea to give you a bottle to keep you quiet. But mayhem did not descend, instead you happily gurgled away to Daddy, whilst Mummy was on her hands and knees in her lovely dress, wiping up the sick!
The teepees were amazingly deceptive, everyone wondered how we would all fit into the funny shaped tents, but when you walked through the entrance they opened up into a vast Wedding wonderland, with a bar and chill out area in the first, then the dining area, ending with the dance floor in the far tent. Long picnic style benches, with cosy sheepskin throws lined up in front of the top table, and place names were hand written on huge pebbles (which are now happily displayed on our decking). Twinkly lights wound round the teepee struts, and ornate lanterns set the mood.
You fell asleep during the speeches but I'm sure the groom didn't take offence, the best man's speech was very touching as he got very emotional, so he would have probably been pleased at one less set of eyes on him. During the groom's speech he said something that has stayed with me since, he said,
"Don't marry someone you can live with, marry someone you can't live without!"
So, little Ocean, when your older (much older), and considering getting married, I hope you remember these wise words spoken by the groom, at the very first wedding you attended.
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Yummy Mummy Style!
Today it's all about vintage baby clothes!! This adorable tunic top has been lovingly kept by Ocean's Grandma for 30 years.... It used to be mine and I think it looks just as stylish today as it must have done back then. Aside from the enviromentally friendly feel good factor of this, it actually makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to think Ocean is wearing something I wore. (I'm sure this won't be the same feeling when she's 14 and nicking my clothes)
Grandma also kept all my terry towelling nappies, washed I might add, not sure I'm so keen on re-using those though.... I'm green but that's pushing it!!!
- love Mummy x
Mummy turns 30!!!!
Today mummy turns 30, which i know probably sounds incredibly ancient to you, but i promise that actually (or at least people keep assuring me) its not really that old!
Every year as I'm approaching another year older, i can't help but think of my earliest memory regarding age. I must have only been 9 or 10 as i was still at junior school, and i can remember as clear as if it were yesterday walking up the big Victorian staircase to my classroom, where we must have been discussing the Millennium. I can remember concentrating hard as i climbed the steps, to calculate what age i would be, eventually concluding with the grand old age of 18.
18, i thought to myself....I'll be dead old!! (how naive of my youthful spirit)
So now as i turn 30, a whole 12 years older than i was at the Millennium, and probably 20 years from that day i remember so clearly, climbing those stairs, I pledge to myself and you, to always retain some of that little girls spirit and stay young at heart.
Every year as I'm approaching another year older, i can't help but think of my earliest memory regarding age. I must have only been 9 or 10 as i was still at junior school, and i can remember as clear as if it were yesterday walking up the big Victorian staircase to my classroom, where we must have been discussing the Millennium. I can remember concentrating hard as i climbed the steps, to calculate what age i would be, eventually concluding with the grand old age of 18.
18, i thought to myself....I'll be dead old!! (how naive of my youthful spirit)
So now as i turn 30, a whole 12 years older than i was at the Millennium, and probably 20 years from that day i remember so clearly, climbing those stairs, I pledge to myself and you, to always retain some of that little girls spirit and stay young at heart.
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
Be true to yourself!
Today Mummy was unfairly judged by someone who doesn't know her, and it made her question herself.
"why am I not her type of person", "what did I say or do that caused her to dislike me", "how did I give this wrong impression of myself"??
I went on questioning myself for the rest of the day, until I finally realised that in actual fact, this person was wrong! I know who I am, far more than this individual who has decided on mass that she dislikes one of my group of friends (that I might add, welcomed her and tried very hard to befriend her). I know I'm a likeable person, I have a fantastic, loyal group of friends to prove it.
So as you go through life, be true to yourself, be the kind of person you'd want to be around yourself, be kind and honest, and then if one day you encounter such a person who makes you question your character, you can look inside and be sure that they too are wrong! Don't judge people, like everyone until they give you a reason not to, but also remember when someone shows you who they are, believe them!
- love Mummy x
"why am I not her type of person", "what did I say or do that caused her to dislike me", "how did I give this wrong impression of myself"??
I went on questioning myself for the rest of the day, until I finally realised that in actual fact, this person was wrong! I know who I am, far more than this individual who has decided on mass that she dislikes one of my group of friends (that I might add, welcomed her and tried very hard to befriend her). I know I'm a likeable person, I have a fantastic, loyal group of friends to prove it.
So as you go through life, be true to yourself, be the kind of person you'd want to be around yourself, be kind and honest, and then if one day you encounter such a person who makes you question your character, you can look inside and be sure that they too are wrong! Don't judge people, like everyone until they give you a reason not to, but also remember when someone shows you who they are, believe them!
- love Mummy x
Sunday, 21 August 2011
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Lunch like a big girl
I can't believe that you are now big enough to sit up in your highchair and eat properly, (although your table manners probably still need some work, as I'm not sure shoving your fist in your full mouth is quite proper etiquette) You seem to be really loving our little weaning adventure, and no longer push every mouthful back out with your tongue. Each feed, however always starts with a face like you've just sucked on a lemon, during the first mouthful, which I have to admit has become quite endearing, if a little bizarre, as the following mouthfuls you seem to enjoy with gusto and can't quite eat it fast enough for your liking!!
So far we love sweet potato, butternut squash, pear, apple, blackcurrant and banana, but you seem to have an aversion to carrot!!
- love Mummy x
Friday, 19 August 2011
153 days old!
Today you turn 5 months old!! It's been exhausting and thrilling, emotional and rewarding, at times frustrating but consistently magical. By far the most amazing 153 days of my life, thankyou for brightening my world.
Our daily routine
Your in a really good routine now, which makes life so much easier....
7am - breakfast bottle
8am - breakfast (usually consists of baby cereal mixed with fruit puree)
9am - nap time (45-60 mins)
11am - bottle
12pm - nap time ( you have 1-2 hours, depending on what we're doing)
2:30pm - bottle
3pm - lunch (vegetable puree)
4:30 - nap time (usually just 30mins)
6pm - bathtime
6:15 - bottle
7pm - bedtime
Then Mummy crosses her fingers for a full nights sleep.
- love Mummy x
7am - breakfast bottle
8am - breakfast (usually consists of baby cereal mixed with fruit puree)
9am - nap time (45-60 mins)
11am - bottle
12pm - nap time ( you have 1-2 hours, depending on what we're doing)
2:30pm - bottle
3pm - lunch (vegetable puree)
4:30 - nap time (usually just 30mins)
6pm - bathtime
6:15 - bottle
7pm - bedtime
Then Mummy crosses her fingers for a full nights sleep.
- love Mummy x
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Thankful Thursdays.
This weekend we visited the Apple Orchard (my nickname for a store that sells the latest computers, which will no doubt seem pre-historic, in years to come when you read this - but are currently the hip and happening things to have), and bought a new computer. It has a fantastic video editing suite which I've started to use, to start putting together some of our many home movie clips. And I can't believe, how much you've grown and changed already.....
So this week I am grateful for the many moments and memories that we are lucky enough to have frozen in time, and that will I know, always lift my spirit and warm my heart.
- love Mummy x
So this week I am grateful for the many moments and memories that we are lucky enough to have frozen in time, and that will I know, always lift my spirit and warm my heart.
- love Mummy x
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Just a simple bag of lettuce!
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Your favourite bedtime story.
Snuggle Bunny's tired. He's had a busy day. It's time to finish playing and put our toys away. Snoozy Snuggle stretches and rubs his sleepy eyes. Do your eyes feel sleepy too, before your beddy-byes? Now let's wash and clean our teeth as Bunny's bedtime nears. Can you lend a helping hand to brush his fluffy ears? Snuggle loves a bedtime hug and gentle tickles too. If you ask him nicely, he may hug and tickle you. Snuggle Bunny's cosy. He's tucked up nice and tight. It's time for you to snuggle too - sweet dreams and kiss goodnight!!
- present from Grandma, read by Daddy.
Friday, 12 August 2011
Yummy Mummy Style.
Yey for Trumpette socks!
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Flash's story
Some years ago, when Flash was only 100 or so years old, he went on holiday to the Maldives. He had a wail of a time, and relished in the fact that he could fly round the whole island in just one afternoon. He even considered packing a light lunch of worms, and flying off on a day trip to the neighbouring island, but Mummy thought it may be a little tiring, all that flying in one day, and he was too young to stay overnight on his own. Mummy suggested that instead he should try and make some friends that he could play with. So he made friends with this big stingray named Spark, although playing together proved a little difficult!!
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Flash's story
Flash had a very important job at Mummy and Daddy's wedding, so important in fact that it required the wearing of a dickie bow. His duties included standing guard (technically he was sitting guard) of all the thankyou gifts during the course of the morning, and supervising the setting up of the room from his inconspicuous military position under the top table. He took this responsibilty very seriously and by early evening his was pooped and had to make his excuses and retire early to his bed. (no cave for this dragon, he slept in the Castle!)
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Flash's Story
Quite a few years ago, when Flash was only a baby dragon of 100 years old, he went to Dublin on holiday. He partied in Temple Bar, drank lots of Guinness, and flew round all the old cobbled streets and completely exhausted his young wings. Whilst Mummy and Daddy were stood in the lobby, waiting to check out of the hotel, Flash rested his tired wings and had a little lay down in Daddy's rucksack, leaving his little head popping out of the top so not to miss anything. A group of men stood nearby spotted Flash, sticking his weary head out of the top of Daddy's rucksack, and pointed to him and laughed (Flash wondered whether he had not wiped his mouth properly after his worm lunch, and felt embarrassed that he might have mud around his chops). However, Daddy was not at all embarrassed about the bright green dragon head looking over his shoulder, and turned straight to the group of men and asked all nonchalantly...
"are you laughing at my Dragon, guys??"
Now, it was the group of men that were embarrassed. "errrr, no, no" the group exclaimed, as they bowed their heads in shame, and Flash wriggled his little body higher in the rucksack, puffed his chest out and poked his head out of the opening, just that little bit farther!!!
"are you laughing at my Dragon, guys??"
Now, it was the group of men that were embarrassed. "errrr, no, no" the group exclaimed, as they bowed their heads in shame, and Flash wriggled his little body higher in the rucksack, puffed his chest out and poked his head out of the opening, just that little bit farther!!!
The story of Flash
The life of our little green dragon began in 2004, when mummy had him made at a "build a bear" factory as a gift for Daddy. At first Daddy seemed a little less than impressed, but over time, Flash, as he was affectionately named, grew a life all of his own. I told Daddy, all these years ago, that one day when we had a little baby (ie you), Flash could tell you stories of his adventures, travelling the world with Mummy and Daddy. So from that point on, Flash went EVERYWHERE with us, and friends even started sending him postcards home from their travels.
So, here is Flash's story..........................
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Lincoln, Austin & Princess Elle!
You've had a fabulously busy weekend with your little friends, and Mummy has had an equally fantastic time. You and I, did our longest car journey yet, Friday lunch time, and despite a precarious nappy change on the passenger seat, at the side of the road due to a inconveniently timed stinky poo, precisely 4 minutes into our 2 hour journey, you were a little angel and slept the entire journey, whilst Mummy sang along to the Adele, 21 album (thankfully my warbling does not disturb you).
We had a leisurely (this may be a slightly over indulgent description, but it was as relaxing as a lunch can get, with a 4 month, 10 month, 16 month and 3 year old) late lunch in the sun with Lincoln, Austin, Princess Elle and their Mummies. There were lots of giggles, Elle's "pop"s when describing the noise her buggy harness makes when fastening, Lincoln taking charge and telling Elle off for running about, a cute moment when Lincoln and Elle shared a pack of Jaffa cakes (until Elle dropped hers on the floor in the "dirts"), and a tearful few minutes when Lincoln got stung right on the tip of his thumb by a wasp he had been trying to make friends with, but mostly you just sat fascinated by your 3 little friends and how much they could do, that you desperately wanted to join them in - climbing, running, playing and generally causing playful mayhem!
- Posted whilst out & about
We had a leisurely (this may be a slightly over indulgent description, but it was as relaxing as a lunch can get, with a 4 month, 10 month, 16 month and 3 year old) late lunch in the sun with Lincoln, Austin, Princess Elle and their Mummies. There were lots of giggles, Elle's "pop"s when describing the noise her buggy harness makes when fastening, Lincoln taking charge and telling Elle off for running about, a cute moment when Lincoln and Elle shared a pack of Jaffa cakes (until Elle dropped hers on the floor in the "dirts"), and a tearful few minutes when Lincoln got stung right on the tip of his thumb by a wasp he had been trying to make friends with, but mostly you just sat fascinated by your 3 little friends and how much they could do, that you desperately wanted to join them in - climbing, running, playing and generally causing playful mayhem!
- Posted whilst out & about
Saturday, 6 August 2011
140 days old....
And I can't remember my life without you, and nor do I want to. Your now such an integral part of my being, that which defines me, that I fail to recall how I used to fill my days? No doubt with random senselessness and fickle pasttimes, that in the grand scheme of things mean nothing at all, but at the time were all consuming. Isn't it wonderfully peculiar that one tiny little person can change a whole world for a person, or people, in the blink of an eye. For life to never be the same again, to have a purpose greater than oneself? To be so absolutely exhausted both physically and emotionally, and yet you can't help but smile back at the tiny toothless grin. It's magical to look at you and see so many elements of myself, and so many of your daddy, like all the negatives have been sifted out, and you are a beautiful mix of only our best attributes, and yet, your so completely unique and individual, your so very you.
- Posted whilst out & about
Friday, 5 August 2011
Yummy mummy style!
This week it's all about baby tutus. Ocean is loving hers, which is good as she has one in baby pink, cerise pink and letter box red! There are loads of variations about, but I love the Next ones as they have a pretty satin bow at the waist. There also a good investment (ha ha), as I've bought them in 9-12 months, when Ocean only wears 3-6 months and due to the elastcated waist they fit lovely now, but will still fit in several months time! On slightly older girls, I love to see tutus funked up a little with a pair of converse, but on babies, they look adorable with a simple vest.
I had Ocean's hung above her changing table, and she was fascinated by the unusual texture of them, and they kept her entertained for quite a few nappy changes, similarily, when I dress her in one, she loves touching it and watching her hands disappear in the ruffles!!
- Posted whilst out & about
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Sunshine, ducks & icepops!
Daddy loves being outdoors and going for walks, mummy didn't used to be so keen (unless there were shops on either side), but since having you, I've started to appreciate, maybe even enjoy, going for a walk. Now, let's not get carried away, I'm not saying you'll find me wandering around aimlessly in the rain, (although there was a recent incident, where I sheltered under an oak tree when caught in an unexpected torrential downpour, on my return from the village) but proudly pushing you in the pram, does somehow make going for walks more enjoyable.
So, seen as the sun was shining, we took advantage, and went to our local national trust park this afternoon. You weren't quite as excited about seeing the ducks as mummy and daddy, and we did feel slightly guilty about our ice pops which of course your too little to enjoy yet, (you had lovely milk instead) but all in all, I think you enjoyed your first visit to the park, and all that fresh, warm air made you really cozy and sleepy and you slept the whole way home.
- Posted whilst out & about
Thankful Thursdays
Today I am grateful to have the support of my family. Today i am grateful to have experienced life in a way not many people are priveledged enough to do. To have travelled the world and experienced many different cultures, and to hopefully have become a more rounded person from that. Today i am grateful to have the ability to follow my dreams, and to try and further myself. Today i am grateful to feel connected, and to feel open spiritually. Today i am grateful to have been given the gift of a little person who everyday teaches me about love and happiness. Today i am grateful to be Ocean's mummy!
Caffine kicks & dummy defiance!
Let me begin by saying that yesterday, I consumed way more than the recommended dose of caffine, why? I'm not sure, as the previous night had been a good one. My regular 2 mugs of instant over breakfast, followed by my can of red bull, then Daddy's can of red bull, and rounded up by an iced caramel latte at Costa mid-afternoon. Probably a matter of circumstance rather than concious choice. I should also add, that yesterday was a very hot day, so putting you down to sleep in only a vest, with your large aden & anais muslin over you that cousin Kerry bought, seemed a good idea, but in hindsight, I should have bundled you into a grobag after your 10:30 feed.
So after laying in bed from 11, I was still searching for dreamland at 1am, and when you began waking only a short while later as the temperature dropped, I was berating myself for those additional caffine fixes. No matter how many times, or different ways I tucked the blanket, your high kicking legs, removed it in one fell swoop. And when, with an unblinking thousand yard glare you took the dummy from your mouth, held it straight up in the air and dropped it from arms length, leaving your hand spread for slightly longer than neccessary, I would have sworn it was a calculated manouvre of pure defiance!!! If I hadn't have been so utterly shattered and frustrated I would have burst out laughing!
So as I crept from your room praying you would now sleep till morning, and I would be blessed with the same luxury, I cursed the creaky floorboards of our 110 year old house!
- written at 5 am
So after laying in bed from 11, I was still searching for dreamland at 1am, and when you began waking only a short while later as the temperature dropped, I was berating myself for those additional caffine fixes. No matter how many times, or different ways I tucked the blanket, your high kicking legs, removed it in one fell swoop. And when, with an unblinking thousand yard glare you took the dummy from your mouth, held it straight up in the air and dropped it from arms length, leaving your hand spread for slightly longer than neccessary, I would have sworn it was a calculated manouvre of pure defiance!!! If I hadn't have been so utterly shattered and frustrated I would have burst out laughing!
So as I crept from your room praying you would now sleep till morning, and I would be blessed with the same luxury, I cursed the creaky floorboards of our 110 year old house!
- written at 5 am
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
Ninetyfive and a half!
Today you went with Daddy to visit an old neighbour of ours, Albert. He's 95 years old, in fact he Informed Daddy he's actually 95 and a 1/2!
He's a fantastic gardener and his garden is full of prize winning vegetables, which as you can imagine he's very proud to show off to anyone who's interested. And interested your Daddy is, due to his vegetable patch plans of his own (although mummy is not quite as keen on this idea!)
Potatoes, tomatoes, beetroot, carrots, to name but a few, in their dozens and far more than Albert could ever eat by himself. Peter Rabbit would have a very full tummy if he ever visited Alberts garden. When we used to live 2 doors down, I'd often come home to find a bag of beautiful ripe tomatoes hanging on the back door! You can't get any more organic than that.
Obviously, Daddy must have been very enthusiastic about the vegetables, as he came home brandishing this beetroot, and a whole list of instructions on how to pickle it to perfection. It's a good job I'm quite partial to beetroot, as this one may last quite a while.
95 and a 1/2 is a ripe old age. I wonder whether it's the "looking forward in the seasons" habit of a gardener, that keeps Albert so sprightly. Isn't it funny that in your early years of life the 1/2 is so important, and it would seem it is equally as important in later years. I wonder where in the middle the lines blur?
95 and a 1/2, I find it so sweet that your not even the 1/2 yet.
- Posted whilst out & about
Oceanic Adventures!
Rooting in mummy's bag was far more interesting than the lunchtime conversation!
Monday, 1 August 2011
Oceanic Adventures!
You've had a very busy week, with 2 baby groups, lunch with Auntie Helen and Grandma, Aunties Marie, Natalie and Rachel visiting on Saturday, and then topped off with your little friend's Christening yesterday.
It was a beautiful day, and your first time in a church. You did make a little bit of a fuss when the organ started blarring out for the Hymms, and Mummy and Daddy realised although we thought we had been clever by sitting at the back of the church, so we could make a sharp exit if need be, we had inadvertently sat right beneath the organ!! But, other than that you were a very good girl and had a nap in your pram during the reception, right on cue for when the buffet came out, and sat on mummy or daddy's knee happily chewing your fists for the rest of the day.
I hope as you go through life, you continue to make as good a friends, as little Isabelle.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
When Mummy & Daddy lived in India (extract from journal)
9th april 2005
"We were up very early in order to catch our Bangalore-Delhi flight, and we were so used to nipping to Goa that this flight seemed really long, although it was actually only 3 hours. On arrival in Delhi, we noticed immediately, how un-polluted the air was in comparison to Bangalore. Sean discovered that this was down to all the buses and rickshaws running on gas rather than petrol. The difference was obvious and very unexpected, Delhi being a more populated city than Bangalore.
We were to see many strangely Indian sights on our weekend break, the first being a completely naked man walking towards oncoming traffic in the middle of a dual carriageway.Thankfully, i didn't see him from the front, and Sean couldn't get to his camera quick enough, otherwise I'm sure we would have photographic evidence of such."
10th april 2005
Our drive from Delhi to Agra was thoroughly entertaining, and the 4 hours passed relatively quickly with all the sights. Many of the roadside shops, even buildings had trees growing through the middle of them or protruding through the tiles on the roof. Some even looked as if they had been built around the trees, as if cutting them down was too much work. In Bangalorian villages it is quite normal to see little roadside shacks, where men have shaves, but on our journey they didn't even have shacks. Men were set up with a stool, a razor and a bowl of foamy water, right there at the side of the main road. Many men with foamy faces perched under trees lined our road to Agra.
We noticed that unlike Bangalore where all the rickshaws are autos, many original rickshaws (ie bikes) were still in operation in Delhi. Its normal for vehicles to be carrying many more people than you'd expect but as we got further and further out of the city, the numbers just grew and grew, and we were shocked to see some, that were designed for a driver and 3 or 4 passengers, carrying what must have been 15 or 16 people???!!! We drove passed one jeep that was so crammed full of people, that they were hanging out of the back door trying to hold it shut - at 100km an hour!!
At one very populated road junction, where all the articulated lorries seemed to be resting, many young boys scurried through the traffic. We soon realised they were trying to sell water to drink, but not in the usual bottles, this was in fact in plastic bags, about the size of a bag of crisps. Not quite sure how easy it would be to drink, and needless to say we didn't purchase one to find out, in fear of certain death.
We stopped about halfway through the journey at a little tourist restaurant, and got some drinks and a packet of sweets. Two young girls were chatting happily on their hands and knees in the corner whilst scrubbing the marble floor. A completely thankless and tedious task, but they seemed happy enough, which made me warm to them. I gave them my unfinished sweet packet to share, which thrilled them, and they sat close by sucking and chewing whole heartedly. I wondered when might have been the last time they had enjoyed a childhood treat??"
"We were up very early in order to catch our Bangalore-Delhi flight, and we were so used to nipping to Goa that this flight seemed really long, although it was actually only 3 hours. On arrival in Delhi, we noticed immediately, how un-polluted the air was in comparison to Bangalore. Sean discovered that this was down to all the buses and rickshaws running on gas rather than petrol. The difference was obvious and very unexpected, Delhi being a more populated city than Bangalore.
We were to see many strangely Indian sights on our weekend break, the first being a completely naked man walking towards oncoming traffic in the middle of a dual carriageway.Thankfully, i didn't see him from the front, and Sean couldn't get to his camera quick enough, otherwise I'm sure we would have photographic evidence of such."
10th april 2005
Our drive from Delhi to Agra was thoroughly entertaining, and the 4 hours passed relatively quickly with all the sights. Many of the roadside shops, even buildings had trees growing through the middle of them or protruding through the tiles on the roof. Some even looked as if they had been built around the trees, as if cutting them down was too much work. In Bangalorian villages it is quite normal to see little roadside shacks, where men have shaves, but on our journey they didn't even have shacks. Men were set up with a stool, a razor and a bowl of foamy water, right there at the side of the main road. Many men with foamy faces perched under trees lined our road to Agra.
We noticed that unlike Bangalore where all the rickshaws are autos, many original rickshaws (ie bikes) were still in operation in Delhi. Its normal for vehicles to be carrying many more people than you'd expect but as we got further and further out of the city, the numbers just grew and grew, and we were shocked to see some, that were designed for a driver and 3 or 4 passengers, carrying what must have been 15 or 16 people???!!! We drove passed one jeep that was so crammed full of people, that they were hanging out of the back door trying to hold it shut - at 100km an hour!!
At one very populated road junction, where all the articulated lorries seemed to be resting, many young boys scurried through the traffic. We soon realised they were trying to sell water to drink, but not in the usual bottles, this was in fact in plastic bags, about the size of a bag of crisps. Not quite sure how easy it would be to drink, and needless to say we didn't purchase one to find out, in fear of certain death.
We stopped about halfway through the journey at a little tourist restaurant, and got some drinks and a packet of sweets. Two young girls were chatting happily on their hands and knees in the corner whilst scrubbing the marble floor. A completely thankless and tedious task, but they seemed happy enough, which made me warm to them. I gave them my unfinished sweet packet to share, which thrilled them, and they sat close by sucking and chewing whole heartedly. I wondered when might have been the last time they had enjoyed a childhood treat??"
Friday, 29 July 2011
When Mummy & Daddy lived in India (extract from journal)
21st March 2005
“Today i was on MG Rd collecting one of Sean’s birthday presents, when i was approached by a little beggar boy, waving a piece of paper in my face. Now this could have been a very elaborate begging technique, or a very sad truth. Either way it worked and i handed over Rs100.
The paper, he was so enthusiastically waving in my face, was allegedly from a school. It was headed paper with stamp and signature, so looked authentic enough. It read in bold type and proper English, that the boy was deaf and dumb, and very poor, but that he was trying to raise the below funds, in order to attend the school. It requested that you donate money, and give your signature. The school fees were Rs 5000 per year (£60).
As i said, a very elaborate con if not the truth. I hope he raises the funds.”
“Today i was on MG Rd collecting one of Sean’s birthday presents, when i was approached by a little beggar boy, waving a piece of paper in my face. Now this could have been a very elaborate begging technique, or a very sad truth. Either way it worked and i handed over Rs100.
The paper, he was so enthusiastically waving in my face, was allegedly from a school. It was headed paper with stamp and signature, so looked authentic enough. It read in bold type and proper English, that the boy was deaf and dumb, and very poor, but that he was trying to raise the below funds, in order to attend the school. It requested that you donate money, and give your signature. The school fees were Rs 5000 per year (£60).
As i said, a very elaborate con if not the truth. I hope he raises the funds.”
When Mummy & Daddy lived in India (extract from journal)
25th March 2005
“We caught the Air Deccan flight to Goa, which was of course late, and when we finally got on board we swore we would never fly with them again - just as we had done last time.
We were staying in backpackers paradise, the Bridge and Tunnel, Palolem, and on arrival were told we had been put in THE best hut. It was right at the top of the rocks, overlooking the beach and sea. The view from our 3 tiny windows was vast and like nothing i’d seen before.
When we stepped out our door there is a 2 ft wide pathway that goes down the rockface. The huts are incredibly basic, but ours is considered plush as we have an attached toilet and shower. A lone double bed stands in the corner with a mosquito net hung over it - we brought our own sheets.
Unfortunately, after staggering back down the beach after dinner, having had a few drinks we discovered that there was no mini bar, and therefore we had no water, and worse than that we were meant to have brought our own toilet roll!!!!”
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Let me tell you about your Grandma
Your grandma is the most amazing, elegant lady you could ever have the priveledge to meet, and I use the word lady, in the original sense of the word. Completely selfless, when it comes to those that she loves, she would happily give loved ones anything that she has, and expect no thanks and nothing in return. She’s compassionate and empathetic to everyones needs, and always puts others before herself. When I was growing up, obviously completely unbeknown to me, she often went without to provide the best for me (a red duffal coat that she fell in love with for example) She wished for me to experience all the things that she had not, so my childhood years were filled to the brim with exciting activities and hobbies - piano lessons, violin, swimming, ballet, horseriding, drama and countless fun days out. I really did have a wonderful, carefree childhood. Your grandma is young at heart and loves travel and experiencing new cultures. In fact, it was her love of travel that made me fall in love with the world. Your grandma is incredibly intelligent, yet never pushes her opinions upon anyone, and only gives advice once asked, and even then, it’s delivered respectfully and gentley.
She’s the strongest person I know, so when daddy and I were getting married, your grandma took her “mother of the bride” speech very seriously, and despite her nerves and usually shy demeanour, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house, and a perfect, emotional speech was delivered. Although, her humble nature wouldn’t allow her to acknowledge it, she’s beautiful, glamorous and elegant, and has a personality to match. I only hope that I can be half as good a mummy to you, as she has been to me, and that one day you will feel just as incredibly proud to be my daughter, as I do hers.
She’s the strongest person I know, so when daddy and I were getting married, your grandma took her “mother of the bride” speech very seriously, and despite her nerves and usually shy demeanour, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house, and a perfect, emotional speech was delivered. Although, her humble nature wouldn’t allow her to acknowledge it, she’s beautiful, glamorous and elegant, and has a personality to match. I only hope that I can be half as good a mummy to you, as she has been to me, and that one day you will feel just as incredibly proud to be my daughter, as I do hers.
It's a busy life for Moo!
Moo’s days are full of cuddles, but he also has to put up with having his arms and legs pulled, he’s horns gnawed, his ears chewed, drool all over his muzzle and some mad lady who calls herself “mummy”, and talks in the 3rd person, dancing him about and impersonating his voice…. And then after all that, he gets tossed on the floor until next time.
- Posted whilst out & about
When Mummy & Daddy lived in India (extract from journal)
17th March 2005
“I have noticed on ocassion, an Indian family that lives in a place that Edward (our driver) and i, drive past each day, on the main road out of Benson Town. I first noticed them a few days ago, whilst stuck in a traffic jam.
It was the woman I became aware of first, dressed in old dirty rags, loitering behind one of the electric cabling boxes on the side of the road. Then as we drove a little further, i noticed her daughter…. a tiny toddler of maybe 14 months, dressed only in a ripped and filthy t.shirt (size 6 months) and although her malnourished frame was tiny the t.shirt clung to her body.
That was all she was wearing, that single item. And as it was so small you could see her naked bum as she ran around the edge of the road, at least 50 feet from the safety of her mum. The most disturbing thing however, aside from a baby playing by the edge of a main road, was also the reason that this family were obviously really poor and not just cheeky beggars, their hair!
Their hair was a funny auburn colour, and looked like it had been completely singed from root to tip, it was chopped or hacked into, leaving a disturbing scarecrow, frizzy effect.
Days later, ive seen them again, only this time there were maybe 10 children and 4 adults, all with this very strange hair.
I cant help, but to keep thinking of them, and what brought them to their life by the side of the road, with scarecrow hair!”
“I have noticed on ocassion, an Indian family that lives in a place that Edward (our driver) and i, drive past each day, on the main road out of Benson Town. I first noticed them a few days ago, whilst stuck in a traffic jam.
It was the woman I became aware of first, dressed in old dirty rags, loitering behind one of the electric cabling boxes on the side of the road. Then as we drove a little further, i noticed her daughter…. a tiny toddler of maybe 14 months, dressed only in a ripped and filthy t.shirt (size 6 months) and although her malnourished frame was tiny the t.shirt clung to her body.
That was all she was wearing, that single item. And as it was so small you could see her naked bum as she ran around the edge of the road, at least 50 feet from the safety of her mum. The most disturbing thing however, aside from a baby playing by the edge of a main road, was also the reason that this family were obviously really poor and not just cheeky beggars, their hair!
Their hair was a funny auburn colour, and looked like it had been completely singed from root to tip, it was chopped or hacked into, leaving a disturbing scarecrow, frizzy effect.
Days later, ive seen them again, only this time there were maybe 10 children and 4 adults, all with this very strange hair.
I cant help, but to keep thinking of them, and what brought them to their life by the side of the road, with scarecrow hair!”
When Mummy & Daddy lived India (extract from journal)
9th november 2004 - (whilst on business in Mumbai)
“Today Sean was at work so i spent the day on my own at the hotel lazing by the pool and then going to the spa for a facial, which wasnt quite as relaxing an experience as i had hoped as the therapist managed to get some of the products in my eye and it stung like hell, but heyho!
Packing for our return trip home was a nightmare, as it wouldnt all fit in (due to my purchases), and by the time we got in the taxi, i was frazzled! The traffic was terrible due to Diwali, and as usual we were running late, which didnt help my mood any, so the driver decided to take us on a short cut throught the “slums”, as he put it. And oh my, they were slums, much worse than those we’d experienced in Bangalore.
Hundreds of shacks and tents, built the rat run of rubbish we were driving through. No electricity, meant the small barber shops gas lamps were the only illumination for our path. Literally thousands of people spilled into the road, and naked toddlers and children played in the darkened alleys. Despite this, there was a sense of life, a buzz through the place, hard to put your finger on. Maybe it was simply the overpopulated manner of the community, but i could almost feel the streets throbbing.”
“Today Sean was at work so i spent the day on my own at the hotel lazing by the pool and then going to the spa for a facial, which wasnt quite as relaxing an experience as i had hoped as the therapist managed to get some of the products in my eye and it stung like hell, but heyho!
Packing for our return trip home was a nightmare, as it wouldnt all fit in (due to my purchases), and by the time we got in the taxi, i was frazzled! The traffic was terrible due to Diwali, and as usual we were running late, which didnt help my mood any, so the driver decided to take us on a short cut throught the “slums”, as he put it. And oh my, they were slums, much worse than those we’d experienced in Bangalore.
Hundreds of shacks and tents, built the rat run of rubbish we were driving through. No electricity, meant the small barber shops gas lamps were the only illumination for our path. Literally thousands of people spilled into the road, and naked toddlers and children played in the darkened alleys. Despite this, there was a sense of life, a buzz through the place, hard to put your finger on. Maybe it was simply the overpopulated manner of the community, but i could almost feel the streets throbbing.”
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Bank robbers, melon & mesmerising sand!
When you were just 14 weeks old, you went on your first holiday. There were lots of firsts for you! Your first plane journey, your first time sleeping somewhere other than home, your first time on an abra, the medinat jumeirah hotel where we are staying, is all set on water like venice, and to get about you travel on little gondolas, or abras as they call them here. Your first time in the pool and your first dip in the ocean (which incidentally you loved, and fell asleep like you were in the bath).
You also started sleeping through the night consistently, some days I’m having to wake you at 8 for your morning bottle so you obviously approve of Dubai, and for the first time mummy gave you something other than your milk. You had a little suck on a big chunck of melon. You LOVED it, and kept grabbing and pulling it back into your mouth, I think you found it refreshingly cool on your gums, (im sure your starting to teeth early) and seemed delighted with the new taste.
Daddy keeps joking that he has set the bar far too high with your first holiday, and after your 5* holiday experience and flight on the A380 that you will never be happy with a week in a caravan, (which mummy won’t mind anyway, as I can’t say I find this very appealing either), but I know that actually the reason your giving away so many smiles is nothing to do with the sparkliness of our holiday, but more to do with having mummy AND daddy all to yourself, with no smelly blackberry for daddy to get distracted with.
The weather in Dubai is very hot at the moment, 40 degrees with high humidity so it’s too hot for you in the middle of the day. But we all go down to the beach in the morning before breakfast, and you and daddy have a little dip, where you are mesmerised by your feet disapearing in the sand, and then a snooze in the shade, then after breakfast whilst you have your nap in the comfort of the air conditioning, like a little bank robber, with your arms up by your ears, mummy can top up her tan in the garden at the front of the villa.
I’m sure as you grow you’ll love travelling and experiencing new cultures, just as much as we do, at least I hope you do as it’s a big part of mummy and daddy’s life. And I know we’ll have lots of adventures together, but this holiday, here in Dubai will always be extra special, as not only was it where mummy and daddy spent part of their honeymoon 2 years ago, but now it’s been our first family holiday, and that my little ocean, is mummy and daddy’s very special FIRST!
You also started sleeping through the night consistently, some days I’m having to wake you at 8 for your morning bottle so you obviously approve of Dubai, and for the first time mummy gave you something other than your milk. You had a little suck on a big chunck of melon. You LOVED it, and kept grabbing and pulling it back into your mouth, I think you found it refreshingly cool on your gums, (im sure your starting to teeth early) and seemed delighted with the new taste.
Daddy keeps joking that he has set the bar far too high with your first holiday, and after your 5* holiday experience and flight on the A380 that you will never be happy with a week in a caravan, (which mummy won’t mind anyway, as I can’t say I find this very appealing either), but I know that actually the reason your giving away so many smiles is nothing to do with the sparkliness of our holiday, but more to do with having mummy AND daddy all to yourself, with no smelly blackberry for daddy to get distracted with.
The weather in Dubai is very hot at the moment, 40 degrees with high humidity so it’s too hot for you in the middle of the day. But we all go down to the beach in the morning before breakfast, and you and daddy have a little dip, where you are mesmerised by your feet disapearing in the sand, and then a snooze in the shade, then after breakfast whilst you have your nap in the comfort of the air conditioning, like a little bank robber, with your arms up by your ears, mummy can top up her tan in the garden at the front of the villa.
I’m sure as you grow you’ll love travelling and experiencing new cultures, just as much as we do, at least I hope you do as it’s a big part of mummy and daddy’s life. And I know we’ll have lots of adventures together, but this holiday, here in Dubai will always be extra special, as not only was it where mummy and daddy spent part of their honeymoon 2 years ago, but now it’s been our first family holiday, and that my little ocean, is mummy and daddy’s very special FIRST!
your first journey...
… into the world that is.
1st January 2011 - 4D scanAt the very beginning of your journey was BARCELONA, where mummy and daddy went to celebrate their 1 year wedding anniversary. After far too much champagne, late nights dancing and long days sightseeing *sunbathing* (incidently, mummy and daddys idea of sightseeing are quite different, i was quite happy to see the sights, as it were, from the very sunny topdeck of the tour bus, whereas daddy is much more touchy feely - lets get up close to it), we came home with a very precious souvenir - YOU!
40 weeks later, minus the one day that you arrived early (you’re a good little girl), contractions started at 5 am. People always tell you that first babys take hours and hours, so off to work i sent your daddy whilst i stayed at home timing contractions on my phone. By lunchtime, i’d recalled Daddy from work and we were on our way to the hospital, having had a little mini disagreement over my outfit!! i spent months planning what i was going to wear during labour -comfortable, practical yet still look good in pics - but my waters breaking completely irradicated any glamness that was planned, and as i tried to put together a new fashionable ensamble in between contractions, Daddys solution was
“why don’t you wear a pair of my boxers?”
ERRRR… no, wasn’t quite the look i was going for.
anywho, (and yes, that isnt a typo, i did just say anywho) we were turned away from the hospital as i wasnt in active labour…. what they should really say is…
“your not in enough pain yet - come back when you cant actually walk to the delivery ward”
Now to cut a long story short i spent the afternoon in the bath at home, flailing around and completely throwing my *no screaming* pact i’d made with myself out the window, in favour of full on shrieks. Finally after quite a journey to the hospital in rush hour traffic they let us stay **sigh of relief**, and the birthing pool and all important gas and air awaited.
Midwives kept coming in saying it was a “textbook” labour…but without going into too much gory detail you got stuck and after 3 hours of pushing, you were delivered by emergency section at 1:16 am, Saturday 19th March.
That minute, 16 past one, changed my universe forever!
what's in a name?
i expect that at some point in your life you’ll wonder where the name Ocean-Sienna came from, probably the Ocean bit in particular? in the first few months of your life, many people asked “why ocean?”, so i thought id explain. Firstly, Ive always loved the name Ocean, its simply beautiful, dont you think? Therefore why not. Your Auntie Natalie on hearing the name for the first time said “unusual names make extraordinary people” and i hope that you will lead a magical and extraordianry life. But mostly its because i believe the ocean is the most beautiful thing in the world, its serene yet powerful, calming yet strong and i dont know one person in the world that doesnt like to sit beside it.
And that my beautiful little girl is why we gave you the name Ocean.
And that my beautiful little girl is why we gave you the name Ocean.
Your first home
This was your first home, and i hope you were happy in there. Apart from the first 16 weeks of morning sickness (which by the way, whomever termed it “morning” sickness lied, for me it lasted all day) There was a particularly low point where i had to pull over in manchester city centre, and throw up my breakfast! “Well”, i can hear you say, “as a pregnant woman im sure you’d had a feast of pancakes and chocolate for breakfast and completely overfaced yourself, im sure it was fully self inflicted”, and id like to respond in setting the record straight and say…
it was an APPLE!! Yes, my measley pregnant breakfast was an apple, in fact, i have a feeling it was in fact, half an apple, anywho, out it came on the side of a road in manchester, in rush hour none the less!! And i must say it completely took away from the glamness of my gorgeous red sportscar!!
To return to my original point, i LOVED being pregnant with you. It felt like we shared a secret, we were so close. your Daddy put it better than i ever could, when on the day you were born he said
“i feel like i’ve known her forever”
And i did!!
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